1. Počevši
  2. Kontroleri, pojačala, RF i WiFi upravljački sustavi
  3. Prigušnica i kontroleri za LED rasvjetu

RF kontroler za RGBW LED rasvjetu 288W, 24A, 12-24V DC

Aрт. № RGBWRFC24
RF kontroler za RGBW LED rasvjetu 288W, 24A, 12-24V DC

RF kontroler za RGBW LED rasvjetu 288W, 24A, 12-24V DC

Art. br. RGBWRFC24

RGBWRFC24 is a powerful controller with RF remote, designed for RGBW LED lighting. It synchronizes with other RGBWRFC24 controllers via LAN cables and RJ45 connectors.

Do NOT cover the controller during working proces and ensure good heat dissipation!

tehničke karakteristike:
Maksimalna snaga 384W/768W
Napon DC 12/24V
Maksimalna izlazna struja 4x8A
RF frekvencija 433.92 MHz
Stupanj zaštite IP20
Raspon radne temperature -10 °C ÷ +40 °C
Vrsta upravljanja RF
Baterija CR2025 вкл. в комплекта
Opseg 15m
Dinamički programi 4
Broj statičnih boja 9
Jamstvo 2 godine
Vrsta osvjetljenja RGBW

RGBWRFC24 is a powerful controller with RF remote, designed for RGBW LED lighting. It synchronizes with other RGBWRFC24 controllers via LAN cables and RJ45 connectors.

Do NOT cover the controller during working proces and ensure good heat dissipation!

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