Indrustrial facility, Viborg, Denmark. Carried out with 35 pcs. LIKZ20050
Swimming pool - Hinnerup, Denmark. DMX RGB LED Wall Washer Ultralux STXC22053
Tonito Ltd. textile storage - Zagreb, Croatia
Tennis club Gabrovo sports hall
Tennis club Gabrovo courts
Kostal Bulgaria Automotive warehouse. Lighting carried out with LITH1505450
Day and Night LTD factory
VSK Kentavar – IZ Dinamika Ltd. Dryanovo factory
Ideal Standard - Vidima Co
Henkel Bulgaria warehouse
DHOLLANDIA factory - Slovakia
DHOLLANDIA tail lift factory 2 - Sofia
DHOLLANDIA tail lift factory 1 - Sofia
Izida Indoor Tennis court. Lighting carried out with LIK10050
Kia showroom, Viborg, Denmark
Warehouse. Lighting carried out with LLF3660
Renault Dobrich. Lighting carried out with LPAGF663042, LIK10050, SPG5050
Beauty salon Em Si - Veliko Tarnovo
Medical centre Les Lucranes, Compiegne, France
Plastchim-T Factories (industrial LED lighting)
Cafe Papalino - Zagreb, Croatia
Mr. Bricolage - Varna. Lighting carried out with LIT1505050
Parish church Nativity of the Virgin Mary - Zagreb, Croatia
Inhom 98 Glass Mould Factory
Zagreb Youth Theatre, Croatia
Undreground Parking at Grand Mall Varna. Lighting carried out with LITH1502250
Enmon Ltd. ceramics and sanitaryware showroom - Zagreb, Croatia
Albena Group Corp. sport's hall
HRC Culinary Academy Sofia
Standard Profil Ltd. warehouse
Prestige Deluxe Hotel - Golden Sands
ZIG ZAG Second Hand (carried out with LP220664060)
Diagnostic & Consultation Center "St. Marina" carried out with LP220664060
JLP Bakeries central warehouse
Varna Palace of Culture and Sports carried out with LITH1505050 and LP220664060
GRADUS poultry processing plant
NDK Trade premises Varna. Lighting carried out with LLF3660 and LP220664060
Boxing club - Varna Palace of Culture and Sports (carried out with LED panels LP664042)
Home lighting in Zagreb, Croatia
Mania Second Hand (LOVE za nahodki)
Elit Nuts production facility
Djovani Furniture factory
Alley and street lighting - Elin Pelin
SiteGround office building
Bathroom lighting with LOTB1427
Home lighting with LOTS1527
Lenzas Olives processing plant
Water Supply and Sewerage Company (W&SC), Varna - parking lot
HL-TopMix office building
Bansko Residential building
Zarneny Hrany J.S.C. Silistra LED Street lighting
Home lighting with OTSGLCH and OTSPLSN
Bathroom lighting with LOTB1527
Alpha Farm meat processing plant
Kare Building residential complex
Ring-road tunnel at Business Park - Mladost, Sofia
Bathroom lighting with LOTB527
Home lighting with OTS2LSNW
LED lighting with directed illumination, carried out with LSL1027 and LSL527