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LED panik svjetlo s ugrađenom Ni-Cd baterijom od 1500 mAh, 3W, 6500K, IP44

Aрт. № LLE365
LED panik svjetlo s ugrađenom Ni-Cd baterijom od 1500 mAh, 3W, 6500K, IP44
LED panik svjetlo s ugrađenom Ni-Cd baterijom od 1500 mAh, 3W, 6500K, IP44 LED panik svjetlo s ugrađenom Ni-Cd baterijom od 1500 mAh, 3W, 6500K, IP44

LED panik svjetlo s ugrađenom Ni-Cd baterijom od 1500 mAh, 3W, 6500K, IP44

Art. br. LLE365

The Ultralux® LED emergency lighting fixture has a built-in Ni-Cd battery that provides at least 2 hours lighting, after the power fails. If the supply voltage is present, the battery charges. When the power fails, the fixture will go into emergency mode, powered by the built-in Ni-Cd battery.

When the supply voltage is on (normal mode), the light can be switched on / off by an external switch.

tehničke karakteristike:
Snaga 3W
Napon AC 220-240V
Frekvencija 50-60Hz
Razred II
Stupanj zaštite IP44
Dimenzije 346/107/60mm
Vrijeme svijetljenja 120min
Baterija Ni-Cd 1500 mAh/ 3.6V
Jamstvo 2 godine
Vrijeme punjenja 20h
Svjetlosni tok 50lm
Temperatura boje (CCT) 6500K
Indeks prikaza boja (CRI) >70
Raspodjela svjetlosti
svjetlosni tok u slučaju nužde 140lm

The Ultralux® LED emergency lighting fixture has a built-in Ni-Cd battery that provides at least 2 hours lighting, after the power fails. If the supply voltage is present, the battery charges. When the power fails, the fixture will go into emergency mode, powered by the built-in Ni-Cd battery.

When the supply voltage is on (normal mode), the light can be switched on / off by an external switch.

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